The Self-Directed Search (SDS) begins at Career Exploration Web Sites

A - Take the alternate test (no fee)

  1. Go to Welcome to O*NETTM OnLine!
  2. Select O*NET Data
  3. Select Interests
  4. Determine job interests by clicking on Interest Profiler:
    Want to discover your interests? Take the O*NET Interest Profiler at My Next Move.
  5. click Next --> Here's how it works...
  6. click Next --> As you answer the questions:
  7. click Next --> THIS IS NOT A TEST!
  8. click Next --> Interests
  9. Answer questions
  10. click Next --> Results - Here are your Interest Profiler results!
    Make note of Interests and scores (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising or Conventional)
    Record Interests with top 3 scores
    You can continue with the next 6 steps OR*
  11. click Next --> Job Zones
  12. click Next --> Current,or Future?
  13. click Next --> Explore the Job Zones
  14. click Next --> Select a Job Zone
  15. click Next --> Your Job Zone:
  16. click Next --> Careers
    a. click Share
    b. Bookmark resulting page
    Repeat a and b for any remaining Job Zone selections

*Take the shortcut

  1. Using your top three interest codes (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising or Conventional):
    go back to O*NET Online Browse by Interests
  2. click on your top interest code
  3. Top of page:
    Have a three-letter interest code? You can focus your search by choosing up to three interest areas, to see the occupations which match your choices.
  4. Select interest code in each box
  5. click Go
  6. Click on each Occupation you want to investigate

To review Job Zones:

  1. Go back to O*NET Online
  2. Top left of page:
    click on Find Occupations
  3. click on Job Zone

B - Test: the Self-Directed Search website ($14.95/credit card, PayPal)

  1. From the Career Exploration Web Sites go to Welcome to the Self-Directed Search...the world's most widely used career interest inventory!
  2. go to Take the SDS Now!
  3. After taking the SDS test, you can search for all the occupations that match your personality (three-letter Summary Code):
    Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising or Conventional
  4. Record your test results for referral later
  5. go to Welcome to O*NETTM OnLine!
  6. Select O*NET Data
  7. Select Interests
  8. click on category represented by 1st letter of your Summary Code (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising or Conventional)
  9. Top of page:
    Have a three-letter interest code? You can focus your search by choosing up to three interest areas, to see the occupations which match your choices.
  10. Select interest code in each box
  11. click Go
  12. Click on each Occupation you want to investigate

Copyright ©2010 by A.L. Butler, Jr.